As reported last time, graduation commencement was very memorable, but not nearly on the level that the banquet the next day was. The night before, Amanda reminded us that she needed to be ready for the limousine by 2:00, so the parent's minds immediately went into high speed as to how to organize everything. First up, Amanda and I drop mom off for her last day of work before the summer break and then make a quick run to the store for some new makeup and stuff to "up-do" her wig. Next, was a stop at a clients house before the wig shop opened. Fortunately that went well, so got her there by 10:30. An hour with the consultant at the wig shop (unbelievable the time and attention to detail they put in...right down to simulating broken strands of hair that always falls down!), and she is already looking stunning. Quick stop at the flower shop to pick up her corsage, and then to her friends house for makeup.
Time to breathe...finally! Amanda and her party of friends spent the next 4 hours touring the city and taking pictures. Think it was one of the best times she has had in some time. When Amber and I got to the banquet and saw our daughter for the first time, it was a feeling I really am not sure how to describe, so I won't. We have a few Picts on my Facebook page if you want to see what I mean! All I can say, is we don't have a little girl any more - she is very much a special young woman in our lives!
The banquet was very nice. Turns out it was buffet style, so the chef graciously made up a special plate for Amanda, as she is not permitted to eat food served in that fashion due to concerns the viruses with her weakened immune system. Got to have a dance with Amanda in the parent-grad dance, so I would say the evening was quite memorable. Funny thing was that a bunch of her friends from elementary and Jr. High that she still plays soccer with were at their High School banquet as well in the same convention centre. Needless to say, we crashed their party and got a bunch of photos with them as well...kinda cool! morning (Friday)...Chemo treatment...bleah!
Treatment went well, but the post nausea really hit her hard this time. She has been quite sick and has been needing to take Stimetel (prochlorperazine) to keep from getting sick. Good new is that she is starting to eat now and is moving around again so it looks like she is now through the worse of it. Overall we can't complain - it has been a good week in a "big picture" point of view.
Sounds like a very special day--so happy for you all!! S Just a thought, with all the excitement etc. right before the chemo, maybe she went into it weaker than usual, hence the nausea being worse. Might check with Dr. about that and see so she will know for future rounds. Love the photos.